“I experienced quantum shifts from the last ayahuasca retreat with Tera. What has not changed in my life and business?
I have experienced so increased flow and synchronicities over the past several months on a moment-to-moment basis. It truly is incredible.
There have been so many gifts from the ayahuasca retreat. I could write pages. I received a court settlement —hundreds of thousands of dollars— that had been dragged out for years. It finally resolved itself.
What was once a source of drama I had such peace and detachment, and everything worked out.
I have met the right contacts and clients in my business. The money keeps flowing in.
The peace and feeling of joy I feel in my life is priceless."
Sean Jigolyk
"The biggest transformational leap I've ever experienced! All facilitated by Tera in the most loving, empowering, un judgmental way. Costa Rica is truly a vortex of energy which deepened and catalyze the magical changes."
Lynnee Vide Katz
"I notice that I am enforcing boundaries much more than before. Not just letting things go because it’s easier. It’s kind of a small change, but could lead to bigger ones. I appreciate all of your loving support!
Part of it for me is also noticing the difference of energy levels and what no longer serves me. And being ok to let it go. It feels powerful.“
Marna Schuelke
The safe, intimate container of The Portal allowed me to go so much deeper than simply going to a ceremony on my own. My belief programs, patterns, blocks, so much of my old paradigm has shifted.
I am so grateful, my whole life is changing before my eyes. I appreciate Tera’s integrity & generosity & support infused throughout this container.
Sabre Duffy
What I received was an awakening, a clearing, a rebirth of me, what I am supposed to be here to do, how I am going to do it,
My years on this earth have been shed. My vision for future has been instilled & I see it unfolding every day.
Sean Jigolyk
It was a gift to the soul. Feeling & discovering more of who I am and what those gifts are. Stepping into a higher version. I go home a better man, better father, better husband, better entrepreneur. It has brought more joy that is really indescribable. That my life matters. That everyone’s life matters.
Allen Atkinson
I have been on many self-development journeys, but I have still been stuck in many areas of my life & business, and I wanted to go deeper.
Tera thought of every possible thing, from the high vibe place, that allowed for all this change to occur. And I traveled from Israel away from family, and I am imbued with the upgrades & memory of who I am as a spiritual leader.
Lynne Katz
I have some big goals this year & I didn’t want to get in my way To accomplish these goals.
Tera created a safe space. There was a lot of love present to do the tough work that was required. I am taking home clarity, confidence, and tools to use in my daily life so I can accomplish my goals.
© Tera Maxwell, Ph.D. All Rights Reserved. Tera Maxwell ™ is a trademark of Tera Maxwell LLC.