Activate Your

Quantum GPS™

How to Manifest a Vision

into Physical Reality

Free Training & Activation

by Tera Maxwell, Ph.D.

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This is for the ones who are driven to realize their highest potential.


Who possess a deep desire to serve. 


Who recognize it is time to shift

the current paradigm that governs this planet. 

Everyone has a Quantum GPS™,

but is yours activated?


If so, are you ready to upgrade? 

If not, are you ready to activate it? 


Because when you do, you call back your divine power to consciously design every aspect of your reality.



I’m asking because for the FIRST time ever, I am sharing the Quantum GPS Activation with the world. It’s a quantum alignment & healing technology for swifter manifestation that is essential to my body of work. 


Most humans resist stepping fully into their greatness. They resist the very path that would bring them fulfillment and true happiness


Working with thousands of clients, I researched what stops most high achievers from realizing a major dream. The answer, I observed, is fear, conscious and unconscious, codes  or programs running the conditioned mind when facing uncertainty. 



Many high-achievers realize their goal of success, but the accomplishment leaves them feeling empty and unfulfilled. They follow a path driven by the ego/ mind, rather than their authentic self. 


Others work towards their dreams for years, with one setback after another, and they wonder: why it hasn’t happened yet? Discouragement sets in. They start to doubt themselves. They sometimes wonder if it’s time to give up. They allow past experience to dictate their future. 


However, for those trailblazers who have the courage to follow the heart-guidance of their authentic selves, they listen to intuitive guidance and take quantum leaps. They realize their dreams, not only the financial goals, yet also the relationships of their dreams, the house, and freedom.


What was the common denominator to create authentic success?


I reviewed the events of my own life, my triumphs as well as setbacks, earning a PhD while raising 3 babies and moving 5 times in 7 years, relocating my family to Costa Rica without a safety net, and leaving a 22-year marriage when Divine guidance told me this was a next step, to name a few of those quantum leaps.


When I took a leap, I no longer doubted; I was on track.


I didn’t waste energy in self-doubt, indecisiveness, and second-guessing.


When I brushed up against a fear, I possessed the tools to lean in and shift the fear. 


Through all this, I developed the quantum technology that I am honored to share with you now. 

During this online activation & training, we will DISSOLVE a FEAR GRID that has kept humanity enslaved for millennia.


This abundance destroying GRID holds humans back from realizing their highest potential. 


We will begin to ACTIVATE your Quantum GPS

In this video training you will:

  • DISCOVER the FEAR Codes active in humanity that keep us from achieving our dreams and which ones are in your field & how to de-activate them.

  • ACTIVATE the first FACET of the Quantum GPS so you can start shifting into CALM around manifesting and call iin YOUR VISION faster.

  • CONNECT to the next level of your DIVINE PURPOSE.

  • PARTICIPATE in a global AFFLUENCE UPGRADE to raise the frequency of the collective to sync up with the highest available timeline for earth. 

This ACTIVATION IS the pre-work for my Quantum GPS 12-week Program FOR ENTREPRENEURS, PROFESSIONALS, & CREATIVES. 


[Quantum GPS is the introductory course for and prerequisite to be invited into my AFFLUENCE CODES MASTERMIND. 


Quantum GPS ACTIVATION is foundational to my work, so I share it with all my clients!  


Please know that this workshop is for all of my clients  as part of their coaching and expansion, so by joining us, you are experiencing my true body of work as if you had invested in it also. 


I am excited for what happens in your world after you receive this upgrade. 





  1. I am here to assist in the evolution of humanity & I want you to live your dream!
  2. If you have a BIG vision & dream, when you see how powerful this body of work is, I trust you will be back for more when you are ready!!!! 


This is such a powerful time to be alive on the planet. 


💫We get to be Free💫


Much Love, 


Over the past decade, my work with clients focused on rewiring subconscious programming, childhood and ancestral energetic imprints, and conscious thought patterns and teaching my clients how to manifest next-level freedom & abundance in their lives and businesses. 


However, there was more to it . . . 


I sensed there was a more sophisticated multidimensional technology available to us ["multidimensional," meaning accessing those aspects of our consciousness that lie beyond our 5 senses and limited 3D version of self.]


My hunch was right!


On a quest requiring a journey to Peru for deeper insights, I received from galactic light beings the Affluence Codes to share with humanity. 


I became obsessed with embodying these high frequencies so that I can share them with others to support the paradigm shift on the planet. 


 I was shown that as we fully come online to the divine truth of who we are as Conscious Creators, we transform our lives, the collective, and the welfare of our earth. 


I founded The Affluence Codes as a mastermind for leaders. 


However, I realized there was a need for a preliminary step to prepare one to receive and integrate these Affluence frequencies. 



With recent events across the globe, I asked, how can I empower humans to awaken to this sure knowledge of who they truly are?


 So they embody their sovereignty? And we can restore harmony to the earth? 


What happened  next is I received, the Quantum GPS™. 


With so many humans in fear and uncertainty, and many people giving away their power, I felt strongly it was time to release this knowledge to the world. 


Because when your personal Divine navigation system is turned on, you live in Certainty.


You possess a profound inner knowing that you are on the right path


You act with confidence. You have the clarity about taking the next step in your life and business. You trust your intution. 


When you listen and act on the promptings of your Divine guidance, you are on the path to fulfillment, inner peace, and joy.


Because you are aligned with your Divine purpose.


So I am honored to share a piece of this important work with you during this online training. 

I've had the great opportunity to be working with Tera Maxwell for 3 years.

I studied science, and my business is built around strategies, systems, really hard core business strategies. I knew that there was something that she had that I really needed to get to the next level.


Working with Tera, I actually now have a company that is at a seven figure run right now, and that's definitely not the case when I first started working with her, and what she's helped me be able to do is unlock some things within myself that has allowed me to really invite in that level of abundance. And there was just so much healing that came along with it.

I learned how to align & create in my family, and have my business coexist in our life in a way that my whole family really respects, appreciates, and supports me with.

 I can't recommend highly enough working with Tera, if you feel like it’s your next step and if you are a leader that is really out to make a big difference in the world, it's been a phenomenal investment working with Tera and I'm so happy to recommend her.

"Working with Tera is one of the best decisions I made in my life. I trusted my gut to sign up after my layoff and life has never been the same and will never be the same. It just keeps getting better and better. She is the real deal. She works quickly and impeccably.  If you are ready to step out of your old story and into your powerful story and adventure, you need Tera on your team." 

Mandi Ellefson

© Tera Maxwell, Ph.D. All Rights Reserved. Tera Maxwell ™ is a trademark of Tera Maxwell LLC.